TheE13’s Competencies

On this page you’ll find a definition to each of the 13 competencies.

1.Opportunity Recognition:
The capacity to perceive changed conditions or overlooked possibilities in the environment that represent potential sources of profit or return to a venture

2.Opportunity Assessment:
The ability to evaluate the content structure of opportunities to accurately determine their relative attractiveness

3.Risk Mitigation:
The taking of actions that reduce the probability of a risk occurring or reduce the potential impact if the risk were to occur

4.Conveying a Compelling Vision:
The ability to conceive an image of a future organizational state and to articulate that image in a manner that empowers followers to enact it

5.Focus and Adaptation:
The ability to balance an emphasis on goal achievement and the strategic direction of the organization while addressing the need to identify and pursue actions to improve the fit between an organization and developments in the external environment

The ability to sustain goal-directed action and energy when confronting difficulties and obstacles that impede goal achievement

7.Creativity/Problem Solving:
The ability to relate unrelated objects or variables to produce novel, or useful, outcomes

8.Resource Leveraging:
Skills at accessing resources one does not own or control to accomplish personal ends

9.Guerrilla Skills, Bootstrapping:
The capacity to take advantage of one’s surroundings, employ unconventional, low cost tactics not recognized by others, do more with less

10.Value Innovation:
The capability at developing new products and or business models that generate revenues exceeding their cost and bring a fair return

The ability to cope with stress and disturbances such that one remains well, recovers, or even thrives in the face of adversity

The ability to maintain a sense of self-confidence regarding one’s ability to accomplish a particular task or attain a level of performance

13.Building and Using Networks:
Social interaction skills that enable an individual to establish, develop, and maintain sets of relationships with others who assist them in advancing their work or career

What do my E13 scores mean?
The results of the E13 assessment provide a value between 1 and 5 that assess your personal competency in each of the 13 areas. The higher the number, the greater your competency. The first time you take the E13 your scores represent your baseline competencies. From that point forward, your scores on subsequent tests represent your growth in the 13 entrepreneurial competencies as a result of education, life experiences, and improved self-awareness.

What should I do with my scores?
That’s entirely up to you! You may be entirely satisfied with your scores. Or, you may decide that you want to improve your scores in a certain area. If you are a founder, you might seek a co-founder who has entrepreneurial competencies that complement your competencies. Assessments such as TheE13, MBTI, or CliftonStrengths StrengthsFinder tell you more about yourself – but only you can decide what to do with your newfound information.

What can I do to improve my E13 scores?
The academic research suggests that entrepreneurial competencies can be developed through training. Check out state-wide programs like the NCIDEA Ice House program, regional programs such as the Venture Asheville Elevate program, or our very own E13 workshops, learning experiences, and research-based online training programs.

How accurate and reliable is the E13?           
Like all assessments that use self-reporting, the E13 can only be as accurate as you are honest. Also, keep in mind that when using the E13 you are measuring your subjective expression of your competencies. Your E13 scores are unique to you, and not related to anyone else’s assessment scores. So while the E13 can show growth in your competency, it should not be used as an objective measure of entrepreneurial competency from person to person.

Looking for more? Visit for tips, trainings, and the latest research on building better entrepreneurs that build better businesses.

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